All The Young Men: A Memoir of Love, AIDS, and Chosen Family in the American South

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    First UK Edition.

    23cm x 15cm. [vii], 355 pages. Pictorial wrappers.

    “Ruth Coker Burks was a young single mum in Hot Springs, Arkansas who cared for people with AIDS when no one else would in the 1980s and 1990s. With no medical background, Ruth single-handedly created a network of care, and saw to the final resting places of roughly a thousand men abandoned by families and neglected by medical professionals. For 30 years, Ruth has been an advocate for the LGBTQ community. She currently resides in Northwest Arkansas.” (publisher’s biographical note)

    . New Book.

    $33.00 AUD

    Jenkins is off book scouting. Orders can still be placed and will ship from November 20.

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