CBD Oil for Parkinson’s Disease

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    21.5cm x 14cm. 106 pages. Illustrated wrappers.

    “CBD pr?vid?s significant r?li?f from Parkinson’s s?v?r? condition symptoms. Parkinson’s s?v?r? condition r?f?rs t? ? degenerative disorder that leads to the death ?f d?p?min?-factories in the hum?n brain. D?p?min? is ? ch?mic?l that facilitates smooth movement ?f muscles. When ? person suffers from this s?v?r? condition, the brain cells that produce dopamine deteriorate and shut down du? t? unknown reasons. This is followed by symptoms like tremors ?s well ?s shaking ?f limbs and hands, rigid muscles, sleeps issues, muscle spams, balance loss, cognitive function problems and dementia or memory loss. Basically, when ? person h?s Parkinson’s s?v?r? condition, their body lacks the necessary cells that tell the body and limbs t? m?v?. If you are just starting out with CBD oil for Parkinson’s disease, getting this book would be a good start as it covers all you need to know about the use of CBD oil for Parkinson’s disease.” (publisher’s blurb)

    . New Book.
