Dian Hanson’s: The History of Men’s Magazines (Volume 5): 1970s at the Newsstand

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    28cm x 22cm. 460 pages, colour illustrations. Quarter imitation leather, pictorial matte papered boards. Text is multilingual, English, German, and French.

    “1967 was the year men’s magazines became pornography. Prior, there were pinup magazines and adventure magazines, art-photo magazines, nudist magazines, girlie titles and risque titles, over-the-counter and under-the-counter, top shelf and bottom shelf, spicy, saucy, sparkling and seedy titles. But the day Berth Milton Sr. walked into a session of Swedish Parliament with photos of actual sexual intercourse and announced he was going to publish them in his magazine Private, pornography was born.” (from introduction)

    . New Book.

    $125.00 AUD

    1 in stock

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