Heavenly Bodies (No. 1, 2, 3)

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    First Edition.

    21cm x 13.5cm. [48], [48], [48] pages, 3 volumes, illustrations, some colour. Pictorial saddle-stapled wrappers.

    American 1960s physique magazine, at the beginnings of the loin cloth liberation, distributed by Manco of Hollywood with advertisements for other publications, art and photo prints, etc. Includes artwork by Vern Kent and other anonymous artists, many of the photographs from Bob Mizer’s Athletic Model Guild. The many gladiatorial images in No. 1 make way to more classic AMG shots in 2 and 3, though a naturist aesthetic remains throughout. Nos. 2 and 3 feature erotic stories by Peyton Stone and T. L. Marks. Rare, 3 partial holdings in OCLC, none for the complete set.

    Very minor wear to wrappers. Near Fine Condition.
