Le Pornographe, ou Idees d’un Honnete-Homme sur, un Projet de Reglement pour les Prostitutes,

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    First Edition.

    20cm x 13cm. [4], 7-368 pages. Full leather, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers. Text is in French.

    Propre a prevenir les Malheurs qu’occafionne le Publicisme des Femmes: avec Des Notes Historiques et Justificatives. [The Pornographer, or Ideas of an Honest Man on a Draft Regulation for Prostitutes, Proper to Prevent the Misfortunes Occurring from the Publicity of Women: with Historical and Justificatory Notes]. First edition, second issue (with an updated title page removing reference to the Paris printer Delalain) of the classic 18th century utopian text on sex work in which Bretonne envisions prostitution as a public institution with numerous social and medical benefits.

    Some watermarks at beginning and end, mostly clean. Good Condition.

    $2,000.00 AUD

    1 in stock

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