Le Pornographe, ou Idees d’un Honnete-Homme sur, un Projet de Reglement pour les Prostitutes,
Second Edition.
20cm x 13cm. 8, 215 pages, 1 plate. Modern quarter leather, marbled papered boards, gilt lettering, marbled endpapers. Text is in French.
Propre a prevenir les Malheurs qu’occafionne le Publicisme des Femmes. Avec Des Notes Historiques et Justificatives. [The Pornographer, or Ideas of an Honest Man on a Draft Regulation for Prostitutes, Proper to Prevent the Misfortunes Occurring from the Publicity of Women. With Historical and Justificatory Notes]. Second Edition of the classic 18th century utopian text on sex work in which Bretonne envisions prostitution as a public institution with numerous social and medical benefits. This copy in a likely 20th century rebind in quarter leather with new endpapers, and extra-illustrated with one erotic illustration bound in at page 16.
Modern rebind in quarter leather with new endpapers. Some watermarks. Repairs to corners of final leaf. Good Condition.
$1,000.00 AUD
1 in stock