Missile Park
First Edition.
24cm x 17cm. 144 pages, colour illustrations. Smyth-sewn, pictorial wrappers.
“Yhonnie Scarce: Missile Park is the first survey exhibition of leading contemporary artist Yhonnie Scarce, and brings a major new commission into dialogue with work that spans the past fifteen years of the artist’s career. Scarce’s works in this survey reference the on-going effects of colonisation on Aboriginal people, responding to research into the impact of nuclear testing and the removal and relocation of Aboriginal people from their homelands and the forcible removal of Aboriginal children from their families. Born in Woomera, South Australia in 1973, Scarce belongs to the Kokatha and Nukunu peoples, and family history is central to Scarce’s works in this show. This survey also includes major works that engage with the disciplinary forms of colonial institutions and representation-religion, ethnography, medical science, museology, taxonomy-as well as monumental and memorial forms of public art and remembrance.” (publisher’s blurb)
. New Book.
$25.00 AUD
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