Performance Anthology: Source Book of California Performance Art

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    Updated Edition.

    22cm x 14cm. 532 pages. Illustrated wrappers.

    “Performance art is a major contemporary art form and California is recognized internationally as a pivotal area for innovative performance art activity. This updated edition of Performance Anthology offers an extraordinary documentation of California performance art from 1970 through 1989. The anthology provides a chronicle of the literature of artists’ publications, art journals, major books, and catalogues; introductions and original essays by artists and leading historians and critics of performance art in California; and photographs illustrating major works by California artists. Through the documentation of the literature, a framework is established of the artists, events, organizations and spaces that have been instrumental in launching and sustaining the performance art scene in California.”

    . New Book.

    $10.00 AUD

    2 in stock

    SKU: 0010305 Category: