Terra II: The Starseed Transmission
First Edition.
19cm x 13.5cm. [xvi], xii, [2], 178 pages, illustrations, some colour. Illustrated wrappers.
One of Leary’s more unusual and obscure books, limited to 1,000 numbered copies, though according to Horwitz, Walls and Smith (Annotated Bibliography of Timothy Leary), only 800 or 900 were printed. “Terra II was produced in Folsom Prison in the fall of 1973 by Leary and co-prisoner Benner, with the illustrations done by another prisoner, Harold Olson. The subject of the work is the evolution/migration from Terra I (Planet Earth) to Terra II (an orbiting space colony between Earth and the Moon). Joanna Leary, publisher of the book, and a Sacramento newspaper woman reporter using the pseudonym Guanine, are credited with co-authorship. Like the monographs Neurologic and Starseed, the proceeds of the sale of Terra II were intended to help pay expenses of costly legal appeals by Leary to win his freedom from prison.” HORWITZ, WALLS & SMITH A16.
Very minor tanning to wrappers. Near Fine Condition.
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