San Francisco Express Times (Complete Run, 61 Issues 1968-1969 w/ the First 7 Issues of Good Time)

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    First Edition.

    41cm x 30cm. 68 volumes. Folded newsprint.

    Complete run of the weekly underground newspaper San Francisco Express Times from Vol. 1 No. 1 January 26, 1968 – Vol. 2 No. 12, March 25, 1969, being all 61 issues before it was renamed Good Times being , here offered with those first seven issues, being Vol. 2 No. 13, [April 1969] – No. 19 May 14, 1969. Good Times continued (on a less regular publishing schedule) until August 2, 1972. Founded by Marvin Garson and Bob Novick the Express Times was a counterculture tabloid covering and promoting radical politics, music, arts, and progressive culture in the Bay Area. It featured extensive coverage of student riots including the prolonged strike at San Francisco State University, and a serialized novel of guerrilla warfare in the United States, Berkeley Guns by Lenny Heller, as well as a weekly cooking column by Alice Waters, illustrated by David Lance Goines. Regular contributors included Todd Gitlin, Greil Marcus, Paul Williams, Sandy Darlington, and Marjorie Heins, alongside staff photographers Jeffrey Blankfort, Nacio Jan Brown, and Robert Altman, and cartoons by Jaxon, Ron Cobb, and Sharon Rudahl. Also featured are writings by or about Richard Brautigan (Note: The final issue credits themselves for publishing 62 issues in total, however this is believed incorrect, there being 61 issues published weekly with a week taken off at the New Year. Comparable holdings found also note the total as 61. Also note Vol. 1 No. 13 misnamed No. 14, April 18, 1967 [1968], sequential numbering then corrected with No. 14 designated as No. 14.5)

    Most issues with the address stamp or label of Dick Johnson (whose namesake also has numerous adverts within for either Homeowner’s, Business, or Fire Insurance). Minor tanning and edgewear. No. 49 with minor foxing along the top edge, else clean. Very Good Condition.

    $2,500.00 AUD

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